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![]() Look at the draft for us.Imo, its good! If we do well, we could meet up with Cybertime! LoL... Roa = Reign of Anniliation. Magi is looking forward to draft some gosu heroes for us ^.^ . For more information about each individuals/participants of each team, visit .:here:. k3v at 9:51 PM
Training among Team 1 and Team 2 where we were trying hard and thinking a way to counter Chen with his constant gangbang which proves to be lethal in matches. Its up to Skylord, the man for this sort of thing. He manage to bring in a marvelous draft to counter Chen creeps and seal a win for us.
最近旦那とマンネリで全然Hしてません。正直もうかなり欲求不満です…誰か相手してくれる方いませんか?空いている時間は多いと思うので都合は合わせやすいと思います。お互い楽しめる関係になりたいな。人妻でも平気な人いたら是非相手してください☆一応18歳以上の人限定でお願いします。上はどこまででも大丈夫なんで excellent.lady@docomo.ne.jp
誰にも言えない秘密があります。実はとってもHなんです、せっかく女として生まれたからにはアブノーマルな世界に飛び込んでみたいです☆普段では考えられないプレイを思う存分楽しみ、経験したいんです♪快楽に溺れさせてくれませんか?一緒に感じ合いましょう!!都合はつくのですぐに時間を合わせられます。18歳よりも上の方がいいです!! quietness@docomo.ne.jp
一人暮らし寂しいよ~(泣)誰かお家遊びにきてくれないかなぁ?休みの日とかも全然予定ありません。料理作るの得意だから来てくれたら食べてほしいな♪見た目は悪くないと思うから安心してください!(笑)細かい事は気にしないけど18歳未満の人は微妙かな、気軽に仲良くしてください milky-yukinko@docomo.ne.jp
人妻だけどセフレ募集しちゃいます!こんな女嫌かなぁ?新しい刺激欲しいし旦那以外の男性としてみたいな。エッチのテクはそれなりに自信あるよ、フェラとか上手いってよく褒められます。年上は何歳まででもOKだけど年下は18歳までが限界かな、楽しみたい人いたら気軽によろしくね♪ enjoy-smile.of.happiness@docomo.ne.jp
セフレ専門出会い喫茶エンジョイラブは店舗型出会い喫茶 ENJOYグループのネット1号店としてオープンしました♪セフレ探しを目的とした出会いの専門店です。Hに満足していない女性達が多数登録。今すぐ即アポOK表示のHな女の子を新着順で紹介中です
熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度当サイトをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください
飲み友探してまーす☆気軽に楽しく一緒に飲みに行きませんか?(*^_^*)そんなに強くはないけどね(*μ_μ) イイお店とか知ってたら案内してほしいです★時間は夜遅くでも空いてますよヽ(^o^)丿飲み友探しなんで二十歳以上の人限定ー(*・人・*) 年は23歳だよ!メールよろしくでーす! red-rose.ray@docomo.ne.jp
変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね sasisuseso309@docomo.ne.jp
今まで趣味とか仕事に夢中になってて気付いたら一人ぼっちで彼氏いなーい(_´Д`)恋愛からしばらく離れてたから…時々さびしくなっちゃったりするんだよね( p_q)同じくさびしーって人いる?けっこう甘えたりするところがあるから大人の人が好きだよ☆だから、年下はゴメンネ(。-人-。) メアドつけておくから気に入ってくれたらメールしてね!待ってまーす hahahanoha88@docomo.ne.jp
仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします sweet-rose.perfume@docomo.ne.jp
初めましていずみって言います☆1年半以上恋してません…(/∇≦\)元彼と付き合ってた時にあんまり会えなくて恋愛してた感じがなかった(;‾ ‾)それから臆病になってたけど長いこと彼がいないからそろそろホンキで恋したいなーなんて思ってますo(^-^o)けっこう天然入ってるから大人で引っ張ってくれる人で年上の人と仲良くしたいです☆気になった人はメールしてね fly.me.so.high-@docomo.ne.jp
つい最近独り暮らし始めましたヾ(〃^∇^)ノお家で料理作っても食べてくれる人がいない(´−`)彼氏いないからあたしと過ごしてくれる人いませんか?手料理ごちそうするよぉ!よかったらメールして下さい(o~ー~)年下の人はゴメンネ…(*_ _)人メール待ってます♪september9-love9@docomo.ne.jp
男性が主役です! 女性会員様からの謝礼は貴方次第、ご近所出張ホストは女性向けフ一ゾクの決定版!エロい一時を求めて男性様との触れ合いを秘密厳守で探しておられます。エロマダム様達と過ごす癒しの一時を…エロい人妻様会員様を満足させてあげれるのはあなただけなのです
毎日楽しい生活してても何かが足りないって思った時何が足りないか分かったの…O(≧▽≦)O それは恋愛だったんだ~って(苦笑)σ(^_^;)唯一、私にはなかったもの…彼氏がほし~い(>▽<;; フリーの人いませんか?私を恋人にして下さい♪♪仲良くなってどこかへ遊びに行きませんか?(≧▽≦;)明るい性格なので、一緒にいて楽しいと思います!!年下の人は苦手で仲良くなる自信がないので私より年上の人でお願いしますヽ(*´ー`)ゞ少しでも気になった人は今すぐにメール下さい♪ beat-angel.risa@docomo.ne.jp
彼氏いない歴2年半になろうとしてます、なかなか相性の合う人と出会えず、好意をよせてくれる人もいたけどダメだった。 一緒にいて楽しくて落ち着く人と、仲良くなって恋愛したい!!甘えさせてくれる人がいいから、年下の人は私には向いてません。よろしくね!ruri11.ko9@docomo.ne.jp
よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*) h-13-i-12@docomo.ne.jp
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人 u-3-ummm52@docomo.ne.jp
ちょっとこんなところに書き込むのはちょっとおかしいんですけど…GWは色々楽しめました??私は結婚しているんですけどどこにも連れて行ってもらえませんでした…旦那は友達(?)とマカオに遊びに行ってます…怪しいですよね…私もスカッとパーっとしたいです♪良かったらメールしてくれる人居ませんか? sara-sarar@docomo.ne.jp
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Team Auto ( Sentinel ) Chen, Venomancer, Viper, Crystal Maiden, and SandKing Team Auto - Fun ( Scourge ) Akasha , Warlock, Vengeful Spirit, Zeus and Techies The lanes was pretty tough for me ( Akasha ) up againtz Viper and Maiden. *Viper was already hard to handle but having a Maiden was even more stressful* . Viper got a big advantage over me seeing that I could venture no further then top's lane forest. I could not even move an inch to take creep. I was just trying to gain mutual experience from the denied creeps. Middle lane was interesting as Venomancer soloed Warlock and Sand King + Chen combo soloed bottom. Team Fun, famous for its Vengeful + Techies made a great start by killing Chen even before the creeps spawn. Those 3 were on the upper hand where SandKing could not do much in the lane. Vengeful and Techies soon became more aggresive and hit in middle lane where landed a more advantage + farming lane for Warlock. When top lane's Akasha was starting to lose badly, the famous moved to top to even the fight. Maiden and Chen seems to be useless through out the game as their items was stalled by the VS+Techies combo. Maiden and Chen had a mere 800 hp in which Warlock could feed on them anytime. Viper on the other hand, had a pretty buffed up items. Having a Reaver and Vit booster in hand made life harder for VS+Techies to kill him. As soon as Warlock had his refresher up, we were pushing and started to take on towers. We took the barracks after 3 consecutive battles in mid lane. Not long after that we manage to pull off another victory in bottom lane and thus the barracks was downed. But the game wasn't done as Viper is pretty buff up with Radiance, Heart, and Black King Bar on his inventory. He virtually denied us in taking the top barracks for 4 consecutives pushes in a row. Great play by Team Auto in denying the barracks to be fallen. But we finally got what we came for when Venomancer did a bad mistake in leading a swap by VS and we finally was able to take the barracks. MVP : 17-2 Zeus (Team Fun' Handy) k3v at 3:12 PM
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I just remembered this while eating the other day with my friends. We name them A and B . We were talking about dota and stuff like how we get owned in blueserver and my friend bring this up.Friend A: Mahai, the other day I was damn farking tulan (pissed) wei with the players when I was playing Zeus. Damn tulan di then I straight go buy that that one with the energy booster. Kev : err Arcane ring? Friend A: Yayayaya.. Arcane ring!! Friend B: Apa lanciow! People tulan buy Aegis Rapier or some GG items! U tulan you buy arcane ring... Wtf wei..!! -_- Kev : *laughs* This shows how gosu is arcane ring.. >.<" k3v at 10:52 PM
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Cybertime took the first place which is worth RM1500 while home team PX took the second place. Netcity from Penang took in third place shocking everybody in the tournament! I didn't get to play with my team tho, but helped choonyeah's team to play one match.I think i did allrite as i farmed one heart at lvl 13 around 24 minutes, and one Eul later on. Got 6k in hand which i didn't notice until i died. =p LoL .. well.. We lost to PX anyway.. hahaha great games and very chi kek tourney. will do a match report tomorow! k3v at 9:55 PM
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Ahhh... we had alot of matches going on and things aren't looking pretty good I guess. We are stilll very weak in terms of coordination, teamwork and hero drafting. I will post the match reports soon enough.
k3v at 5:16 PM
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Okay.. heres the summary for the second matchTraining Match 2 Gaya ( Sentinel ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fun` ( Scourge ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We were somewhat control in lanes as Viper Vengeful were up againtz Akasha, Warlock was mid with Pugna while Rhasta and Visage was bottom lane with Zeus. Twin Head and Veno tried to create an opportunity to firstblood middle lane but was unable to do it after some great positioning by the Warlock. Thd soon head to bottom lane while Veno assist Akasha at top lane. Great play by Visage and Rhasta landed them both first blood and kill but both of them were taken out in the battle by Zeus (before he died) and Pugna with haste. So the score was 2-2. Lane were totally dominant for top lane as Akasha could do nothing more then just farming at top. But a miscommunication by top lane made Akasha killed Viper and Vengeful got killed by tower. Akasha was left with 2 HP running away.. Lucky brat.. Bottom lane continued to dominate their lane with great partnership by Odin and CR land them and extra few kills. Great play by those 2 lads. As the game goes on, it seems like Fun` was planning to play a all Necro strat. Scores were pretty even then. Warlock had his refresher at lvl 13 which made us pretty easy to defend againts the all Necro strat. A couple of pushes granted us the advantage of drastic change of kills. We were up like 5 kills or so. They kept pushing towers in order to get money. Quite a game where we exchange lots of kills during battle. A drama where micro was much to be seen in this game. MVP - Warlock (fearz) k3v at 5:44 PM
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Alas, we actually won our first training match. *jumps around happily* everybody was so relieve, you could tell it from our faces. We played 2 matches and we won both of them againtz Skylord's team. Our drafting was pretty good. Well, actually i force them to not take QoP to let us take since we never had a Queen for quite some time. Here's how the draft was like : Training match 1 Fun` ( Scourge ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gaya ( Sentinel ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lanings were Queen and Zeus up againtz Sand King at top lane, Viper againtz Warlock in mid, Visage and Vengeful up with Sylabear at bottom while Veno and Chen were roamers. Top were pretty one sided for Sand King as he was heavily harassed by Viper and Zeus. But a mistake by Zeus cost him a first blood and made Sand King closer to his dagger. Visage and Vengeful were totally dominating bottom lane as Sylabear could do nothing more then just leech experience. But fast alertness by Veno and Chen to aid the Sylabear made the lane slightly more even. Whenever Veno and Chen roam, it made their Sand King felt pathetic as he could do nothing more then watching the creeps die right in front of his eyes. By level 6, Queen obtain a preserverance and it alarms Skylord's team to actually do something to do the Akasha. A couple attempts to kill the Akasha was failed miserably. Poor coordination I would say. Mid solo heroes were exchanging kills whenever someone send a backup. When Akasha farmed a Battlefury, he too start to roam and make way for Zeus to farm. Kills were slightly even as far as I know. Sand King got his dagger and started to roam too but could not deliver the package. He was often caught by wards and could not blink and epi. Through out the mid game, Fun` started to push mid when Bear had radiance and after a couple of push they setup a beautiful catch over in mid to kill Visage when he was on the way back to the tower. Without Visage as a tanker, it was pretty much easy for Fun` to take out the rax. Epi blink land them 4 kills and they did extremely well taking out the towers and rax. But the game was just about to begin, as we could defend pretty easily in mid lane even with 2 rax down. Queen farmed a Skadi and started to catch heroes such as Chen who is farming the forest. Visage started to get his items such as Guinsoo, Meka and Viper had Vanguard, Radiance and BkB. Well Queen had Aegis, Mkb, Guinsoo(sold battlefury in exchange for this), and Skadi. Well we finally decided to push when we caught one of Fun`'s hero lurking around and took the rax in middle. Sand King and Bear had pretty buffed items such as Aegis and Heart but could do nothing when they are hex. We defended pretty well againtz a team who had the advantage of taking the mid rax early game and I would say our Vengeful was a correct pick as he swapped the correct heroes that we wanted to take out. (Note: He did a silly swap early game where he swap Venomancer into us. *laughs*) Game ended at 100th ++ minute. Pretty long game and I could not describe all the exciting moments all here. Overall, we manage to pull it off and it was a pretty close game. Will describe the second game on the next post. k3v at 4:31 AM
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It's being really a tiring week as I could barely sleep much this few days. It's not so easy to actually make a team to be a team. I am so used to join a team which is already well established and I just get slotted in like just a click.. Very easy.. But now it seems really hard as each of us doesn't have a thing on what's going on during battles, lane control and even drafting which is far by the most important element. Currently, I am actually playing supporting/roamer in the team, which is the total opposite of what i usually do, "farming". *laughs* Hopefully I could deliver some nifty backup and try to deliver for the team. But to think of it, if I were to play secondary Ace, it would be much pressure for me I feel. Lets see how our team gets together as a team first of all and then just be a team. Training was pretty bad. We are still getting trashed alot. Have been losing all the games since we are as a team. CR and James is really commited as I could see James complaining last night as CR was talking strats with him. It was like what, 3 am? omg.. LoL.. But I admire these two.. really bersemangat.. kaykay.. will be blogging sooner or later.. we will have a match again later on.. k3v at 6:49 PM
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2402 - 0303 *SMM Dota Tournament Week 1 2702 - 0103 *MMU Dota Tournament 1003 - 1003 *Gamebox Dota Tournament *Soon* *SurfNet Dota Tournament 2403 - 2503 *Autosurf Dota Tournament Requested Friendlies: | ||||||
Team Auto Team AutoTeam Auto |